What is the VA’s Duty to a Veteran?

The VA has a duty to assist a veteran with the VA disability claim process. The Veterans Claims Assistance Act of 2000 (VCAA) details the VA’s duties to assist veterans with benefits claims. The VA has a duty under 38 U.S.C.S. § 7104(a) to consider all possible claims for compensation that are raised by the medical evidence in your record. … Read More

What is a Reopened Claim

If you were denied veterans benefits and you have exhausted your appeals (DRO, BVA, CAVC), or you missed the appeal deadlines, you may not be out of luck, and you don’t necessarily have to start a new claim for benefits to try again. While you always have the right to start your veterans benefits claim over again (as many times … Read More

What is a New Claim

A new claim is exactly what the name implies…it is a claim that is being raised for the first time. The reason it’s important to recognize a new claim is because there are certain rules associated with the new claim process. One such aspect is the fully developed claim process. The Fully Developed Claims (FDC) program is an optional initiative … Read More

What is an Effective Date

When VA makes a determination that a compensation award is to be paid based on a claim, an effective date is also assigned. The effective date determines when benefits are payable. Effective dates can vary based on the type of benefit and the circumstances of the claim. Generally, an effective date for service-connection for a disability that is directly linked … Read More

What is a Nexus Opinion

One of the requirements for winning a VA disability claim is the need for a nexus opinion. What this means is that a veteran needs to have a doctor say that the veteran’s currently diagnosed disability is more likely than not caused by a certain event or injury in service. This is known as a nexus opinion. Such opinions can … Read More