Evaluation of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Thousands of service members returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from traumatic brain injury (TBI). So many, in fact, that TBI is called the “signature injury” of these wars. This has been attributed in part to the common use of roadside bombs (IEDs), fire bombs, and other explosives by insurgents.

Traumatic brain injury is characterized by both physical and psychological impairments, and oftentimes, veterans suffer from residual effects of TBI. In those cases, the VA may not recognize those residual symptoms as being caused by traumatic brain injury, and this creates a limitation on the benefits a veteran can receive. The level of TBI severity will be determined as of the time the injury occurred, not on the basis of current symptoms. If inadequate medical evidence is available, the veteran may not be entitled to a presumed service-connection under this section. Strong medical evidence can be key to overcoming any objections by VA for a claim arising from TBI.

To learn more about TBI in the VA system meet with the Vet Defender. You can schedule your appointment by clicking this link: Schedule an Appointment.