Traumatic Brain Injury and VA disability Compensation

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a condition where the brain is damaged because of a traumatic event. A “traumatic event” is any event, like a car accident, IED blast, gunshot wound, falling and hitting your head, etc., that causes damage to the brain. If the brain condition is caused by an illness or is genetic, then it is not considered … Read More

Caregivers Under VA Compensation

A caregiver can be a parent, spouse, child, step-family member, extended family member, or an individual who lives with the veteran, but is not a family member who provides support to the veteran. Caregivers of eligible veterans can receive: Monthly stipend Travel expenses (including lodging and per diem while accompanying veterans undergoing care) Access to health care insurance (if the … Read More

Getting Benefits for PTSD

Posttraumatic stress can happen after someone goes through a traumatic event such as combat, an assault, or a disaster. Most people have some stress reactions following trauma. But if the reactions don’t go away over time or they disrupt your life, you may have posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). You should know, though, that having symptoms does not always mean that … Read More

Depression and VA Disability

To be eligible for the disability compensation program, the veteran needs to show that the depression is connected to his or her military service. The following is required to prove a direct service connection: a current diagnosis of depression; evidence of an incident in service that caused the depression, and medical evidence of a link (causation) between the current depression … Read More

How to Handle Mental Health Issues with VA

The VA evaluates mental illnesses under the VA Schedule of Ratings Disabilities. If you suffer from more than one mental disorder but the symptoms from each illness are similar, you will receive one disability rating. The VA does not grant service-connected disability compensation for illnesses that are considered to be “genetic or developmental defects.” Mental retardation and personality disorders are … Read More