VA and Private Medical Care

Veterans have choices when it comes to their healthcare. Many assume that all veterans receive their care through the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) hospitals and clinics, but less than half of the country’s approximately 22 million veterans receive VA healthcare. But eligibility, breadth of VA coverage, and copayment rates depend on a number of factors, including a veteran’s income, whether the veteran has service-connected disabilities, and whether he or she is a former Prisoner of War. Taking these factors into consideration will help a veteran determine where best to go for healthcare. Some veterans do not trust VA services. From the negative press to the concerns of malfeasance, many veterans do not take advantage of VA healthcare services. New laws have it made it easier than ever for veterans who want options, other than VA services. It is yet to be seen the true extent of such impact but offering veterans choice of services is a step in the right direction to ensuring that millions of our veterans get the care that they need, earned and deserve. Schedule an Appointment