Should You Go to a Hearing

Under the appeals process, veterans are afforded the chance to have a hearing. The question that is usually asked is whether you should attend the hearing. Ultimately, the decision to attend is up to you, however, in our experience the hearing process adds very little to the ultimate outcome.

In order to prevail in your case you need to establish that there is a current disability and that the disability was caused by an event or injury in service. Finally, you must also show that the disability rises to a level severe enough to receive compensation. As you can see from these three requirements, most of the case is determined by the strength of the medical evidence. Thus, if you can develop your case before the hearing with the strong medical evidence you need then you can avoid the need for a hearing. This also means that your case usually is decided more quickly.

If you ask for a hearing the Regional Office and/or BVA cannot decide the case until you have your hearing. This is why we usually recommend that veterans forego a hearing in their case…provided they have the evidence already created and ready to proceed. Let the Vet Defender help you in developing the evidence you need to win and get your claim done more quickly. You can schedule a time to talk with the Vet Defender by clicking on this link: Schedule an Appointment.