DIC…what is this about?

Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) is a tax-free monetary benefit paid to eligible survivors of military Service-members who died in the line of duty or eligible survivors of Veterans whose death resulted from a service-related injury or disease. There are many requirements and complexities of DIC benefits, but many veterans’s surviving spouses can benefit from DIC benefits. To obtain such … Read More

Character of Discharge Claims

Often times veterans who have a discharge on their DD214 for conditions other than honorable, are barred and restricted from obtaining the VA benefits that they would normally be entitled to if they were discharged under honorable conditions. Many veterans feel that this is the end of the line for them when it comes to benefits. However, by knowing your … Read More

Individual Unemployability

Known by different names: IU, TDIU, Individual unemployability…this is a wonderful benefit that many veterans fail to take full advantage of in their VA disability claim. TDIU is a way for a veteran to be paid at 100% rate even if their mathematical disability ratings do not equal 100%. If you are unable to sustain gainful employment because of a … Read More

Ratings Increase

Many veterans already receive VA disability benefits. However, many of those same veterans are being paid too little for the nature of their disability. This is because many veterans fail to stay on top of changing laws, rules and regulations that would open the door to higher ratings. In a general sense, to receive an increase in disability compensation, a … Read More

Severity of a Disability

What relevance does the severity of your disability have on your VA claim? A lot is the answer. There are several factors that give rise to an award of VA disability benefits. However, for purposes of ease, the three main issues are: 1. A currently diagnosed disability 2. Service connection of the disability 3. Severe enough to warrant compensation There … Read More