Respiratory Health and VA Disability

Two specific types of respiratory diseases that can restrict breathing are asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways characterized by episodes of breathing problems. While it cannot be cured, its symptoms can be controlled. COPD is characterized by airflow limitation. The limitation is usually progressive and is associated with an abnormal … Read More

Why Use an Attorney?

There are several options for veterans seeking VA disability benefits. Veterans can choose to work the case on their own. They could use a service organization or a state agency. All of these options are viable options and most of them are free. If there are free options then why use an attorney who charges a fee? There are three … Read More

Substance Use Disorders

Veterans cannot be directly service-connected for substance use disorder. They can be service connected on a secondary basis for disabilities that arise from drug use due to a service-connected condition. Veterans can receive ratings for substance-related disabilities as long as the substance use was not the veteran’s own “willful misconduct.” VA defines willful misconduct as “an act involving conscious wrongdoing … Read More


Heredity is transmitted from your parents through DNA. A gene is a region of DNA that contains instructions to make RNA molecules that code for other proteins. When genes are transmitted through the process of reproduction, they govern inheritance of genetic traits like hair color or blood type. The Human Genome Project (HGP) is an international research effort to sequence … Read More

Vision Loss and VA Disability

To obtain disability for vision loss you must show two main things. The first is that your currently have a diagnosed disability affecting your vision. This requires a medical diagnosis from a qualified medical provider. The second thing you must show is that the current disability identified by a qualified medical provider was caused by an event or injury in … Read More